NorthFinder - Lite Hike
NorthFinder - Lite Hike
Campaign Shoot for Northfinder for their LITE HIKE Performance shoes
Campaign Shoot for Northfinder for their LITE HIKE Performance shoes
Campaign Shoot for Northfinder for their LITE HIKE Performance shoes
Campaign Maximiser
Campaign Maximiser
We took on a campaign shoot for Northfinder's LITE HIKE performance shoes on just one week's notice. The deliverables included product photos, two campaign videos, UGC videos, and additional photography. We completed the entire shoot in just two days, making the process efficient. With multiple camera operators on site, we were able to capture a variety of content simultaneously.
We took on a campaign shoot for Northfinder's LITE HIKE performance shoes on just one week's notice. The deliverables included product photos, two campaign videos, UGC videos, and additional photography. We completed the entire shoot in just two days, making the process efficient. With multiple camera operators on site, we were able to capture a variety of content simultaneously.
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